Thursday, February 10, 2011

Newslog #15

Diet soda tied to stroke risk, but reasons unclear;_ylt=Aoew1iCMRsqXs5KoUS0OlDKs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTFpNjlnMWVjBHBvcwMzNwRzZWMDYWNjb3JkaW9uX21vc3RfcG9wdWxhcgRzbGsDZGlldHNvZGF0aWVk

A recent study has shown that those who drink diet soda everyday have been linked to stroke and heart attack compared to people who don't drink soda at all. However, there is no direct reason why this is happening. These symptoms might be because those who drink soda everyday might be those who don't exercise, are overweight, have high blood pressure, and smoke. Researchers looked into these reasons from 1993-2001 and even today, nothing has changed. Over that 8 year span, a Northern Manhattan study was put into effect that tracked the diets of 2,500 Hispanic and African-American people, whose ethnicities have been shown to have high rates of stroke. There were 116 daily diet soda drinkers and they were found to have a 48 percent higher risk of heart attack and stroke compared to the 901 people who didn't drink any soda at all. Of course, smoking, diabetes, and waistline sizes were also taken into account. Also, it was shown that even though most diet sodas don't have sugar in them, their corn sugar still makes people crave sweets instead of fruits, vegetables, and grains.

To be honest, I don't like drinking soda because I don't know most of the ingredients in it. I do have a can once in a while, but in order to be healthier, I drink water or juice instead. In addition, I was surprised to see that people crave sweets when drinking diet soda, especially because most of the time, there is no sugar in in.

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